Model-Driven Engineering support
This project will focus is the development of techniques to improve model quality using run-time information, thus dealing with the necessary information exchange between the modeling and the run-time levels. This project will also focus on the use of techniques from Model-based Testing (MBT) to generate test
cases that allow the collection of sufficiently representative run-time information. All implementation work in this project will use Papyrus, an Eclipse-based open-source MDE tool environment with state-of-the-art support for the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and related notations such as MARTE, a UML profile for the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems. It has four research axes:
Extend Papyrus to allow for the appropriate model-level display of user-specified run-time information such as attribute values, current states, transitions taken and messages sent.
- Design, implement, and evaluate techniques for the automatic correction and refinement of environment assumptions through the detection of discrepancies between model-level and run-time information. Both simply structured assumptions (e.g., simply-typed attribute values, performance constraints, and message names) and richly structured assumptions (e.g.,
fault models, models of user behaviour, and behavioural interface and component specifications) in the form of, e.g., state machines, sequence diagrams, or constraints are to be supported. - Extend Papyrus with an MBT plugin to allow for model-level specification of test cases
through user interaction and random test case generation. Specified tests will be executed on the code generated from the model and results will be displayed on the model. - Develop automatic test case generation techniques for correcting, refining, or completing model-level information. The resulting MBT plugin for Papyrus will be integrated with that developed in the previous part to allow the generation of test cases suitable for the automatic correction and refinement of models.